Saturday, February 16, 2008

Oh boy, oh boy, this is gonna be great!!!!

Hi, my name is Jeff and welcome to my blog. I don't know how many people will actually visit this, but if you do, feel free to say hello. I'm 28, married and have a son. I work as a criminal defense lawyer in northeastern Wisconsin. The job is ok and most people are surprised when I tell them that I get along with most of my clients. However, there's always a few that leave me scratching my head and wondering why I didn't go into a different line of work. Someday, I wouldn't mind writing for a living. I don't know about a famous novelist, playwrite, or anything else fancy like that. But I've always enjoyed watching the expressions on peoples' faces when they're reading my writing. So I guess you could say this blog is somewhat of an experiment. If you like what I have to say, please drop me a line telling me so. If you think I suck, you can tell me that too.

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